200 Quilts · Quilts

Snapshot: Polaroid Quilt finished

Debbie of A Quilter’s Table hosted a Polaroids swap last summer, and although I put together the top fairly quickly, I didn’t send it to the quilter’s because I wanted to do the quilting.  Finally I wised up and took it over to Kathy.  Smart move, because now it’s finished and not still hanging on its hanger in the closet.

Snapshot Quilt

But it’s all done now! Dave and I snuck out yesterday morning in our jammies to grab the few rays of sun that morning, he holding up the quilt for me.  Thanks, hon. (We always have cloudy mornings until mid-summer.)

Snapshot Quilt Polaroid detail1

When I put this up on Instagram, some folks said they wanted to see some details shots of the little blocks.  I think of this quilt as kind of a travel, a memory book quilt, with all its little snapshots of different things.

Snapshot Quilt Polaroid detail2

So when I found this circle design, my quilter agreed to quilt it for me; it reminds me of wheels on a car, going round and round for a summer trip.

Snapshot Quilt Polaroid detail3

It was fun to use some old novelties in my stash, like the block that has “2000” on it–from all those turn of the century quilts we were doing thirteen years ago — when we thought all the computers in the whole world were going to crash.

Snapshot Quilt signed Polaroid

This one’s kind of like an album block.  Krista and I hatched up Project Gingham last year after I found a bunch of ginghams at a garage sale.  She made this block for me and signed her name.  It’s a treasure. How do you make these little blocks?  Diagram *on this post.*

Snapshot Quilt Polaroid binding

I found this stripe-y fabric at a little quilt shop not too far from my house, and it turned out to be perfect.  The Polaroids are bordered in Quilter’s Linen in bright green and blue.  Tutorial on how to make this quilt *here.*

Snapshot Quilt back

The backing is a Marimekko print that looks like a grassy field.

Snapshot Quilt label

And here’s the label.  I love the quote from Eudora Welty, a great Southern writer: “A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.”  Amen, Eudora.  Well said.

This is #110 of 200 lifetime quilts.

12 thoughts on “Snapshot: Polaroid Quilt finished

  1. What a fun quilt! I like the vertical layout you used for you snapshots. Reminds me of the things you can buy and fill with snapshots to hang on the wall. Looks like a great quilt to play “I spy” too. How do you make your labels? It’s something I need to get better at putting on my work.

  2. This turned out great – I love everything about it! I’ve started saving “polaroids”, but putting it all together is a long way off, I fear. Love the quilting and esp. the backing.

  3. I love the idea, the look, the quilting pattern–all of it. One of my favorites of your recent creations.

  4. What an amazing quilt! What perfect backing and binding you found too! And that quote! Priceless! In my head, this is your “Running Away” quilt!

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