
Santa So Far

Santa So Far

I received two more blocks from my bee-mates today, and it was a good conclusion to a Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day in class.

One boy cried, but not because of anything I said or did (horrors! how could he let English interfere with what he was thinking about as he sat in my classroom?)  Thirteen of the seventeen students that managed to come to class were unprepared, madly trying to finish up their assignment as they smiled and looked at me.  Four students were perfect.  I love them.  Three had emailed me that they couldn’t come to class with the following reasons: “I have a migraine and don’t feel so well,” “My mom’s stew didn’t sit so well and I don’t want to be running out of class all the time,” and “I have to be somewhere at 3.” (Our class begins at 3:00.)

After trying for nearly an hour to get the class off the ground, I made everyone sit down from where they were crowding around my desk, seeking help, and said, “You aren’t prepared.  Is it my fault?  Shall we postpone the next essay?”  And then I had what one of our teachers calls a “Come to Jesus” moment, when we re-acquaint them with the Truth, which is that not only does the teacher need to be prepared for class, but the students do too.  “And today, you are not prepared,” I said, calling for a break to clear the air, dismiss  the crying young man (family problems), and figure out where to go next.

So it was lovely to to come home to the two newest blocks, and I arranged them up on the wall, along with the one I’d made to replace Linda’s.  She gets a Full Pass on making quilt blocks because three weeks ago her home burned to the ground.  They escaped with their cat and their hard drive and not much else.  I’ll think of her every time I look at 54-40, or Fight.  Makes a bad day at class look pretty trivial, doesn’t it?

Bad Block 54-40 Fight

Maybe my bad day really began last night as I worked on the block?  Don’t worry.  I “un-stitched” it, flipped around the row, and put it back together properly.

I can only write about this now because a good colleague interrupted her grading to listen to me whine all the way home.

Of course, she took my side.  (Thanks, Judy.)  And doesn’t Santa look great, surrounded by lovely quilt blocks made by lovely friends?


Four more days until we reveal our Four-in-Art Quilts.  Come back and see the art on November 1st.

18 thoughts on “Santa So Far

  1. Oh dear. One of those days. Tomorrow will be better. I laughed out loud when I scrolled to your block. I just did that same thing yesterday. Happy I’m not alone ; )

  2. Oooh, that does sound like a rough one! I’ve been known to have a “come to Jesus” chat or two with students, but mine are much younger than yours; I kind of expect to have to do that on a regular basis but you’d think at that level… Mind you, I’d be lying if I said that I was always prepared as a university student. Sometimes my profs weren’t either. Your next class will go much smoother. Hugs! 🙂

  3. Ah, one of those teaching days! You have my sympathies and congratulations for getting through! And how wonderful to have Santa to come home to! He is a fabulous focus for all the ‘stars’ surrounding him! Looking forward to the next Four-In-Art reveal!

  4. The quilt is going to be wonderful! I’m sorry about your day…I’ll quit whining now about grading papers on the airplane today…to think I could have been paper piecing…

  5. This is going to be a great quilt. I hate those house burned down stories, it is horrible to consider it, I hope your bee mate is managing ok. And students, that sounds complicated and tiring.

  6. Life is good when there is still a part that you have a little control over–like a quilt block. How nice it would be do unpick a class session and start over, right?

  7. I don’t know of any quilter that has not done that to a block! At least it is an easy fix. So sorry for the classroom horror. Tomorrow is a new day, and all will be better…

  8. Loved the story and feel bad for your day! Makes handling a bunch of 1st graders look pretty calm, huh? And you know, I would have been tempted to keep that block just as it was – a reminder of such an interesting day! Onward and upward!!!!

  9. Santa looks well covered surrounded by those beautiful blocks. The arrival of the newest ones had to have been a welcoming sight after the disasterous day.

  10. You are going to have such a happy little Christmas quilt when it’s all done. Glad to have had a little part in making Santa feel surrounded with quilty love. I’m going to pass your class experience on to my husband who is teaching both a full day of art to 3rd – 8th graders and then college level design 2 other days of the week. His college students are hit and miss about doing what they are supposed to and simply thinking the assignment doesn’t apply to them. He can get quite frustrated.

  11. I think Santa is looking wonderful. I hope he brings you lots of joy and peace. I feel for your experience on your bad day. It is behind you now (yes?) hope the rest of the week is better.

  12. Sounds like your students had a good lesson today. I’ll try to prepare my 2nd graders to be better students when they get to your class!
    Yes, red, whimsical Santa looks great surrounded by green star blocks!

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